Austin Wright in the 1960s

Austin Wright in the 1960s
Austin Wright and Tiger Stripey "Kitty" in the 1960s

Saturday, August 27, 2011

From the Chicago Tribune

'Tony and Susan' by Austin Wright

This week's editors choice is 'Tony and Susan' by Austin Wright

  • "Tony and Susan" by Austin Wright
"Tony and Susan" by Austin Wright
August 24, 2011|By Elizabeth Taylor | Literary editor

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

On Amazon's website, I just discovered that Tony and Susan is mentioned in note 22 in the "Back Matter" in The Essential Wayne Booth.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ian McEwan mentions Tony & Susan in an interview

On the Leonard Lopate Show, 93.9 WNYC, Ian McEwan responds to this question:

What have you read or seen lately (book, film, play etc . . .) that moved or surprised you?
US novelist Austin Wright’s book Tony and Susan.

I'm pleased, I suppose, because I (KEW) really like Ian McEwan.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

John Kirtland Wright holding a young Gerry (Gertrude Wright McPherson) and Austin.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Austin Wright was a novelist and critic. He wrote under the name Austin Wright, Austin M. Wright and Austin McGiffert Wright.

He was the son of the distinguished geographer, John Kirtland Wright. Both of his grandmothers were writers, one a novelist, Mary Tappan Wright, and one a poet, Gertrude Huntington Wright. His uncle, also named Austin (Austin Tappan Wright) was the author of the cult classic Islandia.